+1-888-257-2225 info@ArtealSole.com

Frequently Asked Questions?

How does the program work, exactly?

Arte al Sole runs Monday thru Friday 9:30am to 15:30pm (Fridays til 13.00 followed by art show/parent reception).

For a typical camp program, click here. Parents generally stay at one of our exclusive villas from Saturday to Saturday. We also offer extra Parent & Family Activities outside the program, optional.

We won’t be there that long. Can my child come for the day?

Absolutely! We welcome day campers for 1 or more days at a prorated tuition (125 euro / day). Note that we usually have Cooking Classes on Wednesday and we cannot host campers on the last day of our Parent Ceremony, when kids are generally preparing for their event.

We can’t make those dates. Anything you can suggest?

Yes. Some of our select docents offer private programs for kids and families, as well as hold classes with Italian children. Contact us to design your own program in the city of your choice.

Who are your teachers? 

The Arte al Sole teachers and guides are professional elementary school educators and artists, established artisans offering educational programs for residents and visitors, and licensed tour guides.

What is the teacher-student ratio? 

1:6/7 at camps and 1:4 at private programs

What if my child “is not that into art”? 

The Arte al Sole is a multi-disciplinary arts, science and cultural program designed to engage children starting from their own natural curiosity. We emphasis community, critical thinking, and exploration of new concepts in a way that appeals to children and their creative minds. Our hands-on approach to learning through exploration of our surroundings appeals to adventurous  children, artistic spirits, well-grounded or a combination of both!

Do you age group? 

We do not age group nor divide children. We may project group at times. Our interactive curriculum incorporates the Reggio-Emilia and other pedagogic approaches which support the value of mixed-age educational experiences. The Arte al Soleexperience has shown the merits of interaction among kids of all ages, but our projects and instruction are tailored to the individual student, their talents and interests. We rejoice in bringing out Teen Leaders, too!

Will you accept a sibling who is “almost 6”? 

We do accept kindergartners at camp who are classroom ready, also taking into account parents’ input that their child has the maturity to participate in the outlined activities. We work with kids of all ages in our private workshops geared toward family units. We can suggest other programs for children under 6 in the city of your choice.

Do you offer extended childcare if parents would like a longer day trip?  

We can assist with coordinating a babysitter to pick up your child and care for them for an extended day at your lodging through our site partners.

Do you accommodate children with special dietary needs or allergies? 


Do you teach in Italian or English? Any other languages?

The program is in English, but even kids with a limited vocabulary get involved! The kids will learn some Italian words, and our Umbria program includes fun-filled Italian lessons!

If I register for sequential weeks, or return the following year, are the activities the same?  

No, each week presents a wholly new curriculum, and each year our curriculum is revised. Several families typically do enroll each year for sequential weeks, which makes for a special experience in terms of friendships and community.

What if our plans change? Can we get a refund?

Private Tours can be reimbursed within 48 hrs, except for last minute bookings.
Camp Tuition is not 
reimbursable after 60 days prior to camp start. You may be able to apply fee for another program, depending on enrolments.

Can you provide past parent referrals?


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